Friday, July 16, 2010

Mr. Big is a definite page turner!

Dear Ty:

I am just pages away from the end,.. like at pg 288. The book is a definite page turner. The description of the pockets of corruption and how each “titled” character feeds, flows into that is just amazing- even on the female side.

It is reflective of the Trinidad truth & all richly written as well. Easy read. Big's brainwork I love- his commentary is as if he were not a member of society (except with Tara) – I love that cause it its true that an assassin will have a level of detachment and almost robotic knowledge of how to interact yet in the mind he says what he really thinks.

The “exhaustion” felt by Big comes through just well enough to not make him seem unprofessional- but just bugged out a bit.

All of the Trini references will find a home with anyone purchasing globally who is a Trini. Kudos! Please let me know when you launch I am chomping at the bit. For me if a book doesn’t hook me it will take months-& I would be that honest with you I had to put the thing down only to meet a guest.

Thanks you for sharing with me and I will let you know what I think of the ending...


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Review comments from a self-confessed non reader

WOW!!! Great book! Just could not put it down until I was finished, if only I could have stayed awake all night, I could have gotten to the end sooner. There was one point towards the end when I found my heart racing with anxiety, serious, no joke! I loved the way you described every scene I could picture it all. Your research into details was also impeccable. And the way you took reality and played on it – nice touch...

Mr Big is really a good book! I am not a reader so to get this kind of review from me is a great feat...

Review from Anne Hilton

Dear Ty Batson:

I feel you do this country a disservice in highlighting the faults, finding not one redeeming quality in this country, plus the utter worthlessness of any character (save, perhaps Shelley) makes Mr Big very depressing reading — and would warn off any person thinking of coming to Trinidad on vacation. There's no doubt that you can write — your problem, as I see it, is the context, the plot.

Once more, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Regards, Anne Hilton

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Review from Jeremy Taylor, MEP and Publishers of Caribbean Book Review

Dear Ty,

I read Mr Big much faster than I expected, which says a lot about the book. It grabbed my interest at the start and held it for over 300 pages. It's easy to read, the plot twists are challenging, the dialogue is sharp, and the whole book is nicely paced. The fact that you could make a professional killer into a hero and hold reader sympathy for him is quite an achievement in itself. Of course the local setting adds to the interest, especially the way real events, remarks and people appear only lightly masked. I thought the many red herrings were cunningly done and the clues cunningly laid...

You do seem to have knack for this genre, and I was surprised it is your first book. Is this TT's first authentic crime thriller? I remember (one book) in the seventies, but that was not a crime thriller in this sense and didn't have the flair of Mr Big...In any case, congratulations! I see on your website that one or two people criticise the book on various grounds, but it seems to me that the crime thriller has its own rules, and there is no point in blaming it for that or expecting it to be something else.

Best wishes and thanks for sending me a copy.