Monday, March 15, 2010

Inspector Murphy gets new information on Big

Murphy nodded, folded the printout and put it in his pocket.

“Once I saw the name Big, Inspector, I thought I should bring the printout to you. And the name Abdul is also important,” Greene said.

“What you got on this Abdul?”

“Nothing so far, but a buddy working the Laventille Gang Unit told me that they’re upping the surveillance on an Abdul in Laventille who’s making strong headway to become the next top dog.”

Who the hell is this Abdul? And what was Big whipping up with him? “You have anything on this Laventille Abdul?” he asked, thinking that he better get those lazy blimp boys to do some surveillance on this Abdul character.

“Not yet, but my buddy tells me they plan to squeeze him next week to find out what he’s up to.”

“From the sound of it, my guess is it’s the same Abdul of the G-Unit gang I’ve been hearing about.” Murphy finished his beer.

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

“Good work, Greene, good work. This is worthy of a formal commendation. Leave everything to me. I’ll take it from here. Who else has a copy of the readout?”


“Good.” Murphy nodded. The less the top brass knows the better, he thought. Information is power. “I want you to keep this information to yourself. Got that, Greene?”

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