Thursday, July 1, 2010

Review from Jeremy Taylor, MEP and Publishers of Caribbean Book Review

Dear Ty,

I read Mr Big much faster than I expected, which says a lot about the book. It grabbed my interest at the start and held it for over 300 pages. It's easy to read, the plot twists are challenging, the dialogue is sharp, and the whole book is nicely paced. The fact that you could make a professional killer into a hero and hold reader sympathy for him is quite an achievement in itself. Of course the local setting adds to the interest, especially the way real events, remarks and people appear only lightly masked. I thought the many red herrings were cunningly done and the clues cunningly laid...

You do seem to have knack for this genre, and I was surprised it is your first book. Is this TT's first authentic crime thriller? I remember (one book) in the seventies, but that was not a crime thriller in this sense and didn't have the flair of Mr Big...In any case, congratulations! I see on your website that one or two people criticise the book on various grounds, but it seems to me that the crime thriller has its own rules, and there is no point in blaming it for that or expecting it to be something else.

Best wishes and thanks for sending me a copy.

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