Saturday, April 3, 2010

Telephone Interview with Ty N Batson

After several failed attempts, Crime Thriller Writers of Trinidad and Tobago (CTWOTT) were finally able to pin down Ty N Batson for a quick telephone interview. Ty N Batson, is the author of Mr. Big, a sensational crime thriller set in Trinidad which is now captivating the Caribbean and international market.

CTWOTT: Thanks, Ty for agreeing to this telephone interview on such short notice.

TNB: No problem. My pleasure really…

CTWOTT: I know you’re very busy and on the way to the airport—

TNB: Yes, I’m on my way to Montego Bay, Jamaica. I’m being hosted by a large international book publisher who is interested in buying over the publishing rights to Mr. Big.

CTWOTT: That’s great!

TNB: We’ll see…

CTWOTT: I know you have been asked this question at least a thousand times but I can’t help myself. What inspired you to write Mr. Big?

TNB: What inspired Picasso to paint? Frank Sinatra to sing? Shakespeare to write?

CTWOTT: Not sure I follow you.

TNB: Simple. A little voice in my head just kept whispering to me to get this story out.

CTWOTT: Sort of a higher calling?

TNB: Sort of, yes.

CTWOTT: Are you pleased with how the book turned out?

TNB: You should ask the readers that question. I didn’t write it for me.

CTWOTT: Are you working on a second book?

TNB: Sure. That little voice in my head is getting restless. Very restless.

CTWOTT: Some folks in the Caribbean literary world are saying that Mr. Big is the first true Caribbean crime thriller. Do you agree with that statement?

TNB: First, second, third or last…doesn’t matter to me. Mr. Big is what it is.

CTWOTT: Some people think Mr. Big is more of a literary crime thriller, a hybrid so to speak. And a few people don’t think the book is Caribbeanish enough. What are your thoughts on this?

TNB: People can think of Mr. Big as a comic book once the readers enjoy it. That’s all that matters, really.

CTWOTT: Is the character Mr. Big based on anyone? And what about the character of Minister Jones?

TNB: That little voice in my head didn’t specify those details.

CTWOTT: Did any writer(s) influence your writing?

TNB: Sure, but too many to mention.

CTWOTT: Just a couple more questions and then we can close the interview. Where can we buy Mr. Big?

TNB: It will soon be available on Amazon and also in many local bookstores. A Kindle version is expected to be out soon.

CTWOTT: Just one more question. Why don’t you do face-to-face interviews?

TNB: Wouldn’t know what to wear.

CWOTT: Well, thank you for your time, Ty. And good luck with your second book.

TNB: Pleasure.


  1. The curiosity is killing me. We need to get our hands on this book now!
    MK, EconBoy

  2. Ty Batson is an intrigue of his own.
    Read the book and be the judge.
    At the very least, it will be a Caribbean book. At the most, it will be real entertainment! Looking forward to it.

  3. Please post more soon.
    Nothing since April....and we would love to read more.

  4. Dear Ty
    It would be great to leran more about your book. Please post more...
